REIKI healer | spiritual mentor | CREATOR | SCORPIO | HD: REFLECTOR
I'm 32 years old, from Ontario Canada. I have intuitive abilities that allow me to connect with the spirit world & higher realms. It is my life calling to be a guide for those who have the desire to heal themselves through spirituality. I offer reiki healing sessions as well as courses and 1:1 mentoring. I am very passionate about business mentoring, helping other soul led entrepreneurs take their spiritual businesses to the next level. I feel an immense amount of gratitude for the healing work I am able to do in this lifetime and love connecting deeply with my clients and community.
I take pride in my open minded and non judgemental approach to life and business. I make all my clients feel like we have known each other for a long time ( in other lifetimes, we have;) and creating a vibey space for you to feel like you can be yourself so that you can heal yourself.
I always lead my healing sessions & designs intuitively and never would want it any other way!
I put 110% into every soul, every client and every interaction I engage with as a healer. If I say I am going to do something, I will!
I grew up in a small town in ontario, canada with my two sisters, my brother and my beautiful parents. i am lucky enough to have an identical twin sister petra whom is my whole world.
growing up i was always super fascinated with spirituality and my mum had always seen psychics and healers and used oracle cards with us. the new age stuff was not new to me at a later time in my life as it was always present in my life. growing up, i was definitely a sensitive and intuitive child and reflecting on my journey, i had many supernatural experiences. i didn’t think anything of those experiences at the time as i had little to no self awareness. as i grew up, i was a normal teenager ( a rebellious one ) and went to college for fashion merchandising. after school, i got a full time job as a merchandiser and continued with my retail job for a few years before i had my “spiritual awakening”.
my awakening wasn’t pretty, as i was really struggling with depression and anxiety. i realized i wasn’t mentally well, and i decided it would be best if i went on a leave of absence from my job at lululemon and take time to heal. I was suicidal and it felt like as time was going on, i was getting worse. I never returned to my job, as i wasn’t capable of working at that time and was hospitalized a couple times. i kept up with my therapy appointments and CBT classes at the hospital. after a little while, i was seeing some improvement in myself. i felt like the therapy was helping but i felt this longing for something more deep and profound.
my mum suggested to me while out for lunch to consider going to a spiritual art therapy class at a metaphysical shop. i went, and it changed my whole life. in that class, i knew I felt a massive shift, but of course i wasn’t leaving thinking my life had changed completely. it’s reflecting on that now, that i see how life changing that decision was.
i learned to express myself through intuitive art in that class, and that was super new to me. i was loving what i was learning, as the teacher talked about mediumship, clairvoyance and psychic abilities and all kinds of other healing modalities. i was sooo fascinated, it totally excited me. when the teacher was sharing that she was a medium with intuitive abilities i was so taken back. she explained we all had this ability but some it comes more natural than others and you can develop them to be stronger. i left thinking, there’s no way i could, would be cool but sounds absolutely impossible. apart of me though felt so intuitively connected to this whole spiritual world that i was still determined to be open more spiritually. i didn’t have the intention to make this a career or even become a medium. i just thought it would be great to learn about new age topics and spiritual perspectives to support my healing in discovering my purpose.
it was shortly after those classes, i started having interesting experiences. i was seeing colours that weren’t really there. i started getting “signs” when i went for my walks. i was telling my family about my experiences when i had been referred to a reiki healer to try out. i had never heard of it, but i was down to try anything that would help me. i went, and it was enlightening but also a traumatic experience as well. ( that is a whole other story ) but regardless, i was introduced to reiki and loved it.
i started meditating to support my mental health and it was through that effort i was having supernatural experiences. i was seeing things in my mind, having visions of things i couldn’t explain. for example, i had this vision of an ambulance in my mind, like a flash of a vision and the very next day my boyfriend broke his ankle and was taken to hospital in an ambulance. when he called to tell me he was in the ambulance because he couldn’t drive, my jaw dropped. i was like HOW IS THIS HAPPENING. i thought it was a crazy “coincidence’. it was after that, more experiences were making sense or so real i couldn’t ignore them. i was really scared and excited too. i decided to invest in a mentor that focused on mediumship and psychic development. i took a whack at my first mediumship reading in front of 12 women when i had never even really tried to before. i ended up connecting with the teachers daughter who passed and i blew them away with the information i brought forward. i drove home and was just in shock. i couldn’t believe what happened and the impact i made even in that short experience. it was from that day on i knew i wanted to develop more and help people.
i successfully offered mediumship readings for 4 + years and became a reiki master over the course of my business. i am now more passionate about mentoring others to become more intuitive, as that path changed my life and I know it can change others. i also am passionate about my reiki healing sessions and doing energy work. mediumship will always be incorporated into my work and business, but it is not longer something i feel called to offer as i am being pulled into the direction of leading, teaching and mentoring on a larger scale. i am very passionate about tarot and oracle readings and that also will remain a large part of my business and offerings.
reflecting on my life journey and path to get here, it's hard to believe I am here. i didn’t want to live, i didn’t think i had purpose. but because i didn’t give up on myself, and i had the support of my family and friends, i got through it and it all led me here. i am living my dream life, with my boyfriend of nine years and my dog and cat in the peaceful country. life is good and I know its about to get better.
i absolutely love connecting with different people from all over the world, and I am excited to connect and meet you too.
thank you for taking the time to read about my journey.
peace & love.